Daily Buzz | Beer Gardens to Return, Winn View Heights II Supported by Select Board
Also, MassDOT virtual meeting about Route 3A repaving scheduled

Hello, Burlington!
Remember yesterday when I told you that the Cambridge Street/Route 3A repaving project is still scheduled and that there will be a new public meeting soon? That (virtual) meeting is scheduled for August 8 at 6:30 PM. According to the meeting flyer, the project still intends to add bike lanes and also reconstruct some curb ramps, among other items. I’ll remind you when this meeting is coming up, but in the meantime you can read more about the project at the MassDOT website and read a review of the last public meeting, which includes concerns from the public that will hopefully be addressed at the August 8 meeting.
Select Board Votes to Submit Letter of Support for Winn View Heights II, Approves Beer Garden Liquor Licenses
The Select Board last night voted to Support the Winn View Heights II 40B housing development. The vote was 3-2 with Members Tigges, Morandi, and Runyan in favor and Members Priest and Espejo voting against. Highlights from Board comments:
- Mr. Tigges voted in line with the promises he has made to increase opportunities for senior housing over his time as a Select Board member.
- Mr. Priest thinks we need a more creative, cohesive, and strategic plan for affordable and senior housing rather than considering projects individually as they come before the Board.
- Mr. Espejo attempted to clarify the procedure for residents to express their concerns to the state, even though the project will be accompanied by a letter of support from the Select Board. Attorney Mead suggested contacting the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities within 7-14 days
- Mr. Morandi said that, while he would have opted not to support this project if it were an apartment building, he believes it’s needed in the town as it’s a 55+ development.
- Mr. Runyan says that the Master Plan, focus groups, and other data gathered have shown the need for this kind of housing. He expressed his belief that the pushback that occurred with respect to this project would have happened regardless of the neighborhood, particularly with direct abutters. He did, however, express his desire to have the maximum amount of local preference allowable by the state, and to include some additional affordable housing.
Multiple members expressed appreciation for the level of community involvement in this matter, and encouraged residents to continue reaching out about matters that come before the Select Board.
Also at the Select Board meeting:
- Friday is Parks & Recreation Professionals Day, and the Board read a proclamation acknowledging our Recreation Department and the wonderful work they do in the community.* The Department will be celebrating on Friday with some surprises for staff, says Assistant Director, Kelly Lehman.
- Beer Gardens will be back on Thursdays in September from 4:30-8:30!
- The town election will be on April 6, 2024. Dates for Town Meeting were also set: January 22, May 13, and September 23.
- There will be a residential compost collection initiative in partnership with Black Earth; look for more information about this in the coming days.
- A grant of $700,000 over 2 years from October 2022 through September 2024 was awarded to Burlington Youth and Family Services to provide assistance to youth experiencing homelessness; a Social Worker was appointed to administer this program.
- A new member was appointed to the Board of Registrars following nomination by the Democratic Town Committee, replacing Mr. Larson, who retired after 42 years of service!
*Much of the Recreation’s Department work was made possible in part by the foundation laid by retired long-time assistant director, Bill Boudreau, who sadly passed away last week.
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Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 10:30 AM - Sensory Play at the library
- 6:00 PM - Human Services Committee will discuss membership and data. (Virtual)
- 6:00 PM - Cornhole Tournament at 3rd Ave
- 6:30 PM - General Bylaw Review Committee will review articles for September’s Town Meeting and look ahead to work on articles for January. (Virtual) [POSTPONED UNTIL 7/25]
- 7:00 PM - Board of Appeals discusses a residential variance on Chandler Road as well as sign variances for The Paper Store and O’Reilly Auto Parts. (Public Hearings begin at 7:30 PM in Town Hall Main Hearing Room)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee will continue updating the policy manual using Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) guidance. They’ll also discuss Dr. Chen’s entry plan (our new Assistant Superintendent’s role began in earnest at the beginning of this month), the status of the Equity Audit, a Transportation update, and more. (BHS and Virtual)
That’s all I’ve got for you today. Have a great one!
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