Community Celebrations: Purim
Celebrating the Jews' redemption with reflection and a carnival

Purim (the Hebrew word for 'lots') is the Jewish holiday which celebrates the saving of the Jews of Persia over the evil Haman of the Achaemenid Empire as recounted in the Book of Esther (dated to the 5th century BCE).
Every year Jews around the world read the Book of Esther (also known as the Megillah) which recounts how Haman became an advisor to King Ahasuerus in the city of Shushan. After Mordecai the Jew refused to bow down to him, Haman passed a law that all the Jews were to be killed. Jews celebrate how Esther, the king's queen and Mordecai's cousin, saved the Jews by convincing the king that Haman would kill her and all the Jews of the kingdom if he wasn't stopped. Every year on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar [in 2024, that falls on March 23], Jews celebrate their redemption by reading the Book of Esther, twirling groggers (noisemakers) whenever Haman's name is mentioned, dressing in costumes, eating Hamantashen (three-cornered cookies), having carnivals and parties, and giving food to each other and the poor. The name Purim comes from the lots or sticks Haman picked to decide which day to kill the Jews.
Temple Shalom Emeth celebrates this holiday every year with a modern-themed rewriting of the Book of Esther performed as a play, and a big carnival for the children. Everyone comes dressed in costumes and receives mishloach manot (bags of treats).
Thanks to Rabbi Susan Abramson of Temple Shalom Emeth for this background!
Learn More About Purim
This list of resources will grow as community members contribute. Send recommendations to
Recommended Watching and Reading
- Unpacked has a selection of movies about Esther and the Purim holiday here.
- Check out this list from Goodreads of popular books about Purim for you to read alongside the Book of Esther.
In-person and online resources
- My Jewish Learning
- There was a Purim celebration at the Boston Children’s Museum this year on March 5.
Local Purim Happenings
Below are just a few events happening nearby to celebrate Purim in 2024. Let us know if you have one you’d like to add!
- March 23, 11:00 AM - Purim: Mask Making and Party Crafts - All are invited to come learn about Purim, make masks and noisemakers (graggers). (Burlington Public Library; Register)
- March 24, 11:00-12:30 - Purim Carnival in Newton (Temple Beth Avodah; Register)
Find many more events all around the Boston area on Jewish Boston.
How do you observe Purim? What resources would help your neighbors and their children and grandchildren learn more about this holiday? Share your stories with us by emailing, and your story could be added to this feature!
What are you celebrating or observing? Let us know at!