Community Celebrations: Hanukkah

Hanukkah: Celebrating the Re-Dedication of the Holy Temple
From the evening of December 25, 2024 through January 2, 2025 Jews around the world will celebrate Hanukkah. Hanukkah means “dedication” in English, and celebrates the re-dedication of the holy temple in Jerusalem. It was destroyed by the Greeks, who were subsequently defeated in battle by the Jewish forces known as the Maccabees.
Upon regaining control of and refurbishing the temple, it was discovered that there was only enough oil for the holy lamp (the Menorah) to last one day. Miraculously, this oil burned for eight days until new oil could be prepared. Today, Jews light one candle on their menorahs (also known as a Hanukkiah) the first night of Hanukkah, two candles the second night, and so on until there are eight candles (plus the special “helper” candle, called a Shamash) lit.
Hanukkah is also celebrated by eating foods fried in oil (such as donuts or potato pancakes), playing with a four-sided top called a Dreidel, and giving gifts.
Thanks to Ben Einsidler for contributing this background!
Recommended Reading and Resources
This list of resources will continue to grow as community members share insights and recommendations. What's your favorite book, film, or story? Send your recommendation to
The Jewish Museum Shop has a long and varied list of books to enjoy, from history to modern literature.
Celebrate Hanukkah in Burlington
Temple Shalom Emeth invites the community to join in for the lighting of the menorah outside the temple each evening of Hanukkah this year. The menorah lighting on December 27 will be followed by a Hawaiian Hanukkah Shabbat celebration at the temple. For questions about this, contact tje temple at