Burlington Town Clerk: Thanks for Election Support

To The Editor
In this season of Giving Thanks, I want to take a moment to thank all of those who helped with Burlington having another
successful Election. This year again with Early Voting, I’m pleased to say that it was very successful and over 58% of
our Voters took advantage of the opportunity to cast their ballot early. I appreciate how the local news outlets worked with
the us to “get the word out” to all the voters about Early Voting. Also, I want to thank all of the voters who took the time
to come out and vote in total with almost 81% of the registered voters in Burlington casting ballots. The whole election
process went very smoothly thanks to the efforts of many.
I especially want to thank the Burlington Police Dept., DPW Highway Dept. and BHS custodians for their assistance in
preparing the polls, grounds, lighting and traffic control. These men and women work hard the day before and are up
early in the morning and stay with us until late at night to assist us.
I’d also like to thank the dedicated, enthusiastic, and competent poll workers for assisting voters through the process. It
was a long day but they handled each voter with skill and a friendly smile. These workers also worked the 2 weeks
leading up to Election Day helping the staff run Early In Person voting and Advanced Process of those Early Voted
ballots. There were a number of special volunteers who also donated their time to work on November 5th, for which I’m
very grateful. We continue to have a few BHS students working the polls, and their energy and interest in the election are
greatly appreciated.
This year as well I really appreciate the extra efforts provided by staff from the Select Board, Accounting and Treasurers
office to help us get the thousands of Vote by Mail ballots out quickly, so that voters were able to get their ballots in a
timely manner. In addition to the mailings, the staff of the Town Clerk’s Office worked for months in anticipation of an
election, register voters, assist voters in the office who cast absentee ballots, mail ballots to voters up to the day before the
election, organize the poll workers, track all voters and ballots, and manage the thousands of Early Voting Ballots, as well
as investigate and resolve issues that arise on the day of the election. The work they do is the foundation of a successful
election and I thank Linda, Kirsten, Daniel and Julianna for laying that great foundation.
Finally, Thank you to all the voters of Burlington, you are the reason that we work so hard to make the system work.
We look forward to seeing you again in April 2025 for the Annual Town Election.
Amy Warfield
Town Clerk