Weekly Buzz | Now is the Time to Learn About Your Candidates
And there have never been more resources! Plus, ways you can get involved this week.

Hello, Burlington!
We’ve got another week rolling out the red carpet in front of us, and lots is on the agenda. Don’t forget to check out the candidate debates and forums as you decide who you’ll vote for, and look at their websites and social media pages for information about upcoming events where you can meet the candidates and ask them questions.
As always, the library is chock full of amazingness this week. From Bridge and virtual trivia night on Monday to blood pressure screenings, storytimes, and scavenger hunts throughout the week, there are over a dozen events happening this week and you should definitely check one or more of them out.
What else is happening in Burlington this week? Look below to find out. As always, keep an eye on the Daily for any changes or additions.
Monday, March 28
- 5:00 PM - Ways & Means Public Safety Subcommittee meets to discuss the budget for Fire, EMS, and Police for the coming fiscal year.
- 6:00 PM - Burlington Youth & Family Services meets virtually.
- 6:00 PM - Select Board has their regular meeting. Topics will include the Communication Plan, the DEI Committee, and the use of the Common for a wedding. (Wish I’d have thought of that! )
Tuesday, March 29
- 10:30 AM - Ways & Means Planning Subcommittee will meet to follow up on the discussion of their proposed budget, including the addition of one staff member. This was continued from the last Ways & Means meeting pending additional clarity on the Town’s stance toward adding additional positions.
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership meets for some updates (Roger’s Piano, 119 S. Bedford St., Affordable Housing Coordinator position) and presentations/discussions (Community Preservation Act, Housing Needs Assessment).
- 7:00 PM - Vigil for Peace and Healing at the High School Auditorium, sponsored by the Burlington Interfaith Clergy Association. There will be a goods collection for Ukraine.
- 7:00 PM - (Third) Community Forum on Mall Road & Middlesex Turnpike initiative (virtual; register here and click the link above for more info and background).
- 7:00 PM - Capital Budget Committee meets; agenda to come.
Wednesday, March 30
- No School in BPS!
- 1:00 PM - Machine Test for the town election.
- 7:00 PM - Ways & Means meets to discuss the Public Safety budget presented in subcommittee this week.
Thursday, March 31
- 10:00 AM - Ways & Means Town Clerk Subcommittee meets to discuss the budgets for Town Clerk and Board of Registrars for the coming year.
Friday, April 1
- Nothing on the agenda yet!
Saturday, April 2
- 8:30 AM-12:00 PM - Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day at Francis Wyman School.
- First Annual TACP 24-Hour Challenge at the Burlington High School Track to benefit veterans and their families via the TACP Association. Sign up here. Donate here.
Enjoy the day, and I’ll see you in the AM.