Candidate Interview: Eileen Sickler for Housing Authority
Be sure to vote on April 6, 2024!

Eileen Sickler is one of two candidates running for two three-year seats on the Burlington Housing Authority.
The Housing Authority is responsible for administering public housing in Burlington, both the Tower Hill and Birchcrest Arms developments for seniors and people with disabilities, and the Section 8 program for residents with low income.
Join Nicci and Eileen as they discuss Eileen’s vision for the Housing Authority and the research she’s already done to prepare herself for the role.
You can find Eileen at her Facebook page and her website. Opponent, Walter DeCost, couldn’t be reached for this interview. Don’t forget to vote on April 6.
Episode Notes:
Don’t forget to become a Hive member for early access to all the Burlington Buzz on the Mic episodes.
Recorded at BCAT’s Podcast Studio - Thanks, BCAT!
Theme Music:
fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square