Early In-Person Voting Opens in Burlington
Here's how to cast your vote via early in-person voting, vote by mail, or on Election Day in Burlington, Massachusetts.

Town Hall opened up for early in-person voting on Saturday and, according to Town Clerk, Amy Warfield, 182 voters came to cast their votes—"a great turnout for the first day," Warfield said.
On the ballot below the presidential ticket are U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, Governor's Councillor, State Senator, State Representative, Clerk of Courts, and Register of Deeds; of these, only the U.S. Senator and the Register of Deeds races are contested. Republican John Deaton is challenging Democrat Elizabeth Warren for the seat she's held for two terms, and Independent Billy Tauro is up against incumbent Democrat, Maria Curtatone, who has also served two six-year terms.
There are also five ballot questions:
- Question 1 - State Auditor’s Authority to Audit the Legislature
- Question 2 - Elimination of MCAS as High School Graduation Requirement
- Question 3 - Unionization for Transportation Network Drivers
- Question 4 - Limited Legalization and Regulation of Certain Natural Psychedelic Substances
- Question 5 - Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers
You can find more information about candidates and questions at Vote411 and Tufts Center for State Policy Analysis.
Early in-person and mail-in voting are both occurring now. If you're taking advantage of early in-person voting, you can head to Town Hall during regular business hours to cast your vote: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:30-4:30, Wednesday from 8:30-7:00, and Friday from 8:30-1:00. Voting will also happen on Saturday, October 26, from 9:00-5:00. Not registered yet? You can still do that too, through October 26.
Also, says Warfield, "If you have received a Vote By Mail Ballot you can return it any time! Please do that soon so it can be processed. You can drop it in the drop box at Town Hall or in our office."
And, of course, voters can always come to Election Day voting at Burlington High School on November 5 from 6:00 AM-8:00 PM.