Daily Buzz | Write-ins: Voter Edition
Plus, budget season marches on with a joint session

Good morning, neighbors!
Write-in Candidates
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to talk with some residents who are hoping for your write-in vote this Saturday. Understanding more candidates might throw their hats in between now and the end of the week (and in fact after I’d written this I learned of another candidate whom I’ll hopefully be speak with today), here’s what I’m going to do:
I’ll list the candidates below, and I’ll also create a standing Write-In Hopefuls article that is updated as more names come in. That way, you can know about your candidates real-time. I’m really excited about these candidates, because they all bring interest, expertise, and experience to the roles for which they’re seeking your vote.
Housing Authority
Steve Wasserman, 3 Indian Hill Road
Steve and his family have lived in Burlington since 1972. Steve is no stranger to town government, having served as a member of the Library Board of Trustees for 16 years, and after taking some time away from public life, he is ready to continue his long history of serving our community. Steve has extensive property management expertise, including managing and developing affordable and mixed-use properties, and he currently serves as Vice Chair for the B'nai B'rith Senior Housing Management Committee; this property has nearly 400 units under management and another 125 under construction. Steve believes his experience in many of the Housing Authority’s areas of responsibility and his demonstrated commitment to our town would make him a strong addition to the Board.
Town Meeting Member
Precinct 1
Amanda Laskowski, 43 Mill Street
Amanda is a special education teacher with the Lexington public schools and is a current Precinct 2 Town Meeting member running as a write in candidate for Precinct 1, having been redistricted due to the last census. Amanda has lived in Burlington since April 2018. She has a kindergartner at Fox Hill, as well as 8-month-old twin boys. When not chasing children around, tending to the garden, or attending to another DIY house project, she's looking for ways for Burlington to be a place that is welcoming to all. There are a lot of potential projects happening in Burlington now and in the near future, and making sure that everyone's voice is heard is important. She is hoping to help Burlington reach its fullest potential by asking for precinct one voters to write her in on April 9th!
Susan Kadilak, 186 Mill Street
Susan is a mom of four, licensed general contractor, and real estate broker who has lived in Burlington since 2008. She is a member of the General Bylaw Review Committee and is on the Board of Directors of the Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston. She is passionate about making sure residents are informed about the decisions being made on their behalf and committed to creating solutions that balance the needs and desires of everyone involved. Learning of the four open seats for Town Meeting in Precinct 7 motivated her run as a write-in candidate, because residents of her precinct deserve to be represented in Town Meeting.
How to Vote for a Write-In Candidate
To vote for these folks, or to write in another candidate, all you have to do is find the appropriate line and write in their name and address. I’ve linked the sample ballot so you can get a look before going to the polls. Beware only Town Meeting candidates from your precinct will appear on your ballot, and you can only write in a TM candidate from your precinct.
Be sure to keep checking the standing article for updates throughout the week. And, if you’re a candidate, be sure to get in touch with me ASAP so you can be added to the list.
Today in Burlington
Lots of meetings today in Burlington, as budgets move through town government and toward Town Meeting, which is just a month away.
- 10:00 AM - Ways & Means Subcommitee meets to discuss the budget for the Historical Commission for the coming year.
- 2:00 PM - Ways & Means Subcommittee meets to discuss the operating budget and a warrant article for the DPW.
- 5:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Sign Subcommittee meets to discuss signage guidelines and Bylaw Article XIII Sections 13.3. (Join via Zoom)
- 6:00 PM - Recreation Commission has their regular meeting, during which they’ll discuss their budget and vote to award a Treehouse Contract (Somebody tell me more!), among other things.
- 6:00 PM - Republican Town Committee meets to collect signatures for one candidate and to hear from another.
- 6:00 PM - Select Board Special Session to discuss and approve town budgets. (Join via WebEx)
- 7:00 PM - School Committee joins the Select Board meeting to discuss the Debt Service Budget. (Same Webex link from above)
- 7:00 PM - Capital Budget Committee meets to review the 10-year capital plan and Debt Service in conjunction with the Select Board. (Also, same Webex link)
This joint session will be fascinating to watch, as all the Boards come together to present a cohesive budget to Town Meeting next month.
See you tomorrow,