Daily Buzz | What Do You Want to Know About Your Candidates?
The only way we can be informed about who's running is to ask!

Best of mornings to you!
Many of you made it over here based on a Facebook post I made awhile back. Here’s an excerpt from that post:
I never much saw the use in voting in local elections or becoming involved in local politics. “I don’t know enough to make an informed decision,” I would say. I did my due diligence by voting in presidential elections and just kinda doing my best with the rest of the ballot.
One reason I felt so uninformed was because I didn’t know where to find information about my local candidates.
So - what’s the remedy? Well, in Burlington, we have an amazing nonpartisan group of businesses and individuals working collectively so that all citizens have equal access to local activities and information. That group is called the Burlington Equity Coalition, and it works to raise voter awareness and collect information about candidates so all Burlington residents can find it in one place.
Last year, the BEC sent out questionnaires to candidates with two simple questions:
- What are your three top priorities in Burlington, and why?
- Please include a brief bio.
This year, as they prepare to send out questionnaires to candidates once more, they’d like your input! What questions would you like to see on that survey? What do you want to know about the candidates for local office in Burlington?
As a nonpartisan organization, they won’t be able to use any questions that seem to lead responses in one direction or other, but it would be awesome to get some outside input on the kinds of things citizens want to know.
Please leave your ideas in the comments!
Nothing huge is on the town agenda today, but a couple announcements via tweet:
'Call to Artists' Burlington Sculpture Park is seeking sculptors bit.ly/3JxmtyJ @gratkevich @mschangart @nesculptors #sculptors #BurlingtonMA

Finally, a note about me. In case you didn’t already know know, I’m an actual real-live author. (I bet it makes sense now how I could churn out all those words while mostly still managing to do all the rest of my life things.) Here’s an article I’m particularly proud of. If you enjoy my writing and want to hear what I have to say about stuff that has nothing to do with Burlington, like parenting, publishing, and what it means to live in today’s society, please consider subscribing to my weekly-ish newsletter, Nicci’s Notes. I just moved it over here so I could manage all my communications in one place, and I’m so excited to start building a second community with you.
See you soon!