Daily Buzz | Time for the Main Event
And, just for fun, no school today

I know I said I’d have an update for you about the sign + poll worker situation today, but I don’t. I wasn’t able to talk to our Town Clerk’s office yesterday. So, as far as I know, poll workers can’t have lawn signs and I wish I could say more about it.
What I can say is that today is the last day to vote. Whether you have a ballot to drop off or mail, or you’re going to BHS in person today, be sure to get your vote in so your voice can be heard.
Of course, there is no school today, either.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
Election Day takes the headlines - especially since the other calendar items aren’t actually happening today.
- No School
- 7:00 AM-8:00 PM - State Election at BHS
5:30 PM -Zoning Bylaw Review Committee Sign Subcommittee(this actually happened yesterday, but I had the wrong date and forgot to move it - sorry about that!)7:00 PM -Board of Health- This was on the town calendar, but after speaking to Chair Weiner, I learned that public meetings are discouraged on Election Day. Talking with Dr. Weiner reminded me to ask him the outcome of the meeting the BoH, DPW, and Town Engineering had with the owners of the property where Staples, Blaze Pizza, etc. is. That’s the parking lot that backs up to a marsh and is perpetually flooded for most of the year. The owner is expected to present a plan at the November 22 Board of Health meeting, which is the next one that will occur.
Sports and Activities
Nothing specific to report today, but I do want to remind folks that the BHS FIRST/FRC Robotics team is more than halfway to its goal of $7500 to support the awesome work they plan to do this season. They’ll use money collected to pay for competition fees, transportation, and parts so they can build a robot that can win these competitions! Support STEM education by donating here.
That’s all for today. Go vote! (If you haven’t yet.)