Daily Buzz | The Results are (Kind Of) In
Several Questions still too close to call

Good Morning, friends.
I haven’t checked national election results, because I haven’t had my coffee yet, but I do have preliminary Burlington results and have been keeping an eye on MA election results, too. Almost 11,000 people showed up to vote in Burlington, which is about 61.5%, and I don’t believe that includes mail-in ballots. That number looks to be more or less in line with the turnout for the 2018 midterms, when just under 70% of eligible voters made it to the polls.
Let’s start out with the Ballot Questions. Burlington voters said “No” to all but one ballot measure, but Questions 1 and 4 were quite close. Massachusetts as a whole voted yes on all but one, according to preliminary results, but three of the races are still close to call.

No surprises in the other races, mostly because about half of them were uncontested by the other major party.
- Maura Healey has become the nation’s first openly gay governor, as well as Massachusetts’ first elected female governor.
- Bill Galvin held on to his job as Secretary of State.
- Andrea Campbell won for AG
- The race for auditor is still too close to call, but Diana DiZoglio is in the lead.
Many national races are still up for grabs, and I won’t be reporting on them, but you can find information on the FiveThirtyEight website or many other places.
Today in Burlington
Meetings and Events
- 9:30 AM - Board of Health Subcommittee Meeting to discuss biosafety regulations
- 4:00 PM - Council on Aging will continue talking about fire safety and volunteer training. I also noticed on their agenda that Minuteman Senior Services is looking for a Board Member. I reached out to Minuteman for more details and will include them in a future issue if I hear back. (Join online)
- 6:00 PM - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee will discuss the next quarterly report to the Select Board, scheduled for next Monday. (Join online)
- 6:00 PM - Shawsheen Subcommittee on Policy meets to discuss some…policies, namely payment procedures and authorized signatures.
- 6:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Committee will talk about some signage articles for an upcoming Town Meeting as well as the definition of an accessory structure. (Join online)
I have no sports or activities to share today, and so I’ll stop there and leave you to your day.
Have a great one,