Daily Buzz | The CPA Goes On Tour
And: You can read without coffee, but maybe I shouldn't write without it?

Good morning, neighbors!
No School for Students on Wednesday
Thanks to those of you who passed the “Are you paying attention?” test and contacted me to let me know that there’s no school on Wednesday this week. I knew that. Just checking to see if you did.
They won’t let me into your inboxes yet with my white-out and pen, which is why I try so hard to be sure all my info is accurate before clicking Send each day. Errors happen, though, and I’m so happy I have a group of post-production editors (my friends and neighbors) who aren’t afraid to let me know when they notice one. Please keep doing that!
You can always click to read each day’s email on the web and see the most updated version. Anytime someone comes to me with a correction, I update it on the web and social media immediately. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Shawsheen Tech Librarian Honored
The librarian at Shawsheen, Katie McGinness, was honored this weekend with the 2022 Audrey Friend Scholarship. Read more about Katie and the award in the Community Information section.
Planning Board Forum is Live
I got the chance to sit down in the BCAT studio with Barbara L’Heureux and Brenda Rappaport, incumbent candidates for Planning Board, to help you get to know them a little better. We talked about what inspires people to get involved, who sets the vision and who makes the decisions in town, and each candidates’ ideas for improving our community. Watch here!
Select Board
The Select Board met last night:
- Bob Hogan is retiring after a long career serving the community. He was recognized my many friends and colleagues at the beginning of the meeting and throughout.
- Some town finance items were discussed. I watched twice and I don’t understand town finance yet. But feel free to watch if you’re interested.
- (23:00) A parcel of land abutting Mill Pond was gifted to the town.
- (29:00) The Collins Center presented on possibly creating a Communications Plan for the town.
- (37:00) The DEI Subcommittee has an agenda item on the April 11 Select Board meeting (after the election) and the SB has agreed to set up a special session with all stakeholders.
- (45:00) The Community Preservation Act continues its tour of all Boards and Commissions in Burlington.
- (1:24:00) The Board granted a permit to begin excavation on a building project and discussed some of the zoning warrant articles that are going to be coming up in May.
- (2:04:00) The Hilton Garden Inn is changing hands and the new management was granted a transfer of the liquor license.
- (2:09:00) The Board voted to add the name of Ryan Fortini to the 9-11 Memorial on the Town Common. Mr. Fortini was a Burlington resident, BHS graduate, and New York State Police Officer who worked Ground Zero on 9-11. He subsequently developed cancer, and he died in January of 2020.
Today in Burlington
- 10:30 AM - Ways & Means Planning Subcommittee will meet to follow up on the discussion of their proposed budget, including the addition of one staff member. You might remember this conversation was continued from the last Ways & Means meeting, where the committee needed more clarity on adding positions. (Join via Webex)
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership meets for some updates (Roger’s Piano, 119 S. Bedford St., Affordable Housing Coordinator position) and presentations/discussions (Community Preservation Act, Housing Needs Assessment). (Join via Webex)
- 7:00 PM - Vigil for Peace and Healing at the High School Auditorium, sponsored by the Burlington Interfaith Clergy Association. There will be a goods collection for Ukraine.
- 7:00 PM - (Third) Community Forum on Mall Road & Middlesex Turnpike initiative (virtual; don’t forget to register ahead of time and click the link above for more info and background). The link mentions creating a “walkable mixed-use plan” for that area, which piques my interest for sure!
- 7:00 PM - Capital Budget Committee meets to discuss a Recreation Department vehicle replacement and Simond’s Park basketball court renovations.
Alright, I think that’s all for today. See you tomorrow!