Daily Buzz | Send in Your Debate Questions
And the fundraising total for the bake sale to benefit Ukraine

Hello and welcome to a new week in Burlington. I spent the weekend listening to the best 90s rock playlist I have ever found, and it really took the edge off the bucketful of crappy things that happened.
I’d also like to welcome Spring to our fair town. Thanks for coming! We’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Thanks to everyone who contributed time, baked goods, or cold hard cash yesterday at the bake sale to benefit Ukraine. Thanks to your generosity, the Burlington Equity Coalition will be able to contribute $4,000 to humanitarian aid for Ukrainians in need!
Now - I need your help. I’ll be a panelist for the BCAT debates this Thursday (from 6-8), asking questions to our candidates for School Committee and Board of Health. After candidates have spoken to me to create their profiles, and they’ve submitted their profiles in their own words to the Burlington Equity Coalition (Oh, my goodness, people, they’re live as of yesterday and they’re BEAUTIFUL!), the debates are an opportunity to hear our candidates articulate their thoughts on their priorities for Burlington and respond to questions in real time.
I have a few questions in mind, but I’m only one person. I’d like to know what ideas you have, too. What do you want to know, residents? Leave a comment below, or reply to this email, or comment on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or however else you prefer to contact me. I only have the opportunity to ask a few questions, and I want them to provide as much value as possible!
Alright, enough from me. Here’s what’s on the agenda for today.
- 12:00 PM - Disability Access Commission meeting has been cancelled.
- 5:30 PM - Shawsheen Negotiation Subcommittee meets to discuss contract negotiations for Shawsheen Tech.
- 5:30 PM - Zoning Bylaw Review Committee Sign Subcommittee meets to continue the conversation around creating a permanent Design Review Committee and further discuss design guidelines and Article XIII. (Join via Zoom)
I’ve got some late nights ahead this week, so it’s unlikely I’ll be able to attend either of these meetings (and certainly not both, as they’re happening at the same time). As much as I want to see what the Sign Sub is working on, I don’t want to burn myself out for Tuesday and Thursday. So, if anyone wants to attend and take a few notes (seriously, nothing crazy - you’ve seen what I write, it doesn’t have to be super detailed) I’d really appreciate it.
Alright, see you on the Internet.