Daily Buzz | Listen to Both Sides: Community Preservation Act Podcasts Are Here
Thanks to Jonathan Sachs and John Iler for helping readers learn more about Question Five

Hello, Burlington!
Early voting begins tomorrow and, as promised, both the Yes on CPA and No on CPA podcasts are live now, sponsored by Kadilak Realty Group. Listen here:
I hope listening to these interviews helps you navigate all the points, weigh what’s important to you, and decide what’s in line with your vision for our town. If you have any remaining questions, throw them my way and I’ll do my best to find answers for you!
Do you know someone in Burlington who could use this information as they decide how to vote in the upcoming election? Please share this public post with them!
Today (and This Weekend) in Burlington
Meetings and Events
No official meetings on the calendar today, but:
- The Friends of the Library Book Sale runs from 10:15-5:30 today, 10:15-4:30 tomorrow, and 1:15-3:30 on Sunday. Come out and see what’s available, while supporting your local library!
- Saheli’s 5k for domestic violence awareness and prevention is at 9:00 tomorrow. I hope to see you there!
- 9:00 AM-3:00 PM - Early voting begins at Town Hall and continues through November 4. Full schedule can be found here, and of course the Buzz will have it for you daily and weekly.
- The Board of Health Flu Clinic is from 9:30-12:30 tomorrow at Memorial School. Register here.
Sports and Activities
Score Update
The MSMS Junior Devils football team lost to Woburn 14-21.
Our Varsity Field Hockey team fought hard against Wakefield and scored 2 goals (Lexi MacKinnon and Kelsey Condon, way to go!), but were not able to pull out the win. Final score 3-2.
Volleyball pulled out another sweep, shutting out Watertown in all three games yesterday:
JVB: 2-0
JVA: 2-0
Varsity: 3-0
Today’s Schedule
Melrose comes out to face our Varsity football team at 6:00 tonight, and JV plays at Melrose tomorrow at 10:00. That’s it for this week in sports!
Friday Funny
Okay, you got me. This is a cartoon, but it’s not a “funny” per se. Liza Donnelly is a cartoonist for the New Yorker and other outlets, and I subscriber to her Seeing Things newsletter. This week’s cartoon was really poignant for me. First, because I do this work in order to connect our community and help folks learn from each other irrespective of political ideologies (mine or anyone else’s). Second, because I have seen some of this curiosity and willingness to engage and discuss in Burlington these last few weeks. I hope you find I exhibit and model the humility displayed in the second frame, and I hope my work inspires you to do the same.

Have an amazing Friday and Weekend, neighbors and friends.