Daily Buzz | Last Day for Early In-Person Voting
And Girls' Soccer playoff game against Dartmouth today

Hello, Burlington!
I have a confession to make. After two weeks of working nonstop to finish my novel so I could send it off for publication formatting yesterday, I am spent. I’m scheduling this email on Thursday evening so I can sleep in on Friday morning, and my brain has reached its capacity for both input and output, so I am positive I’m forgetting one or more things I meant to publicize today.
One important thing to remember is that the last day for early in-person voting is today. Town Hall is open to voters from 8:30 to 5:00, so there’s plenty of time to get your early vote on if you so desire.
Another thing to know is that our girls’ soccer team made the playoffs! Read more below.
The last thing I can think of that I might need to say is that Substack (the platform I use to manage the Buzz) has a new app and chat feature that they’re trying to promote. I don’t use the app, nor do I require you to use it in order to read the Buzz. I know I got a bunch of emails yesterday from lists I subscribe to saying “________ sent you a message” and then prompting me to download the app if I wanted to read it. That’s unacceptable, in my opinion, and so please feel free to delete any message that talks about a chat capability or requests that you download the Substack app. Unless, of course, you want to. It doesn’t matter to me how you read the Buzz, as long as you read it. I just don’t want people to think they need to download an app to hang out with me.
If you didn’t receive a message like that, good. You can just ignore that last paragraph.
Today in Burlington
Like I said, last day for in-person voting. Lots of pro- and anti-CPA information out there, which is question 5 on our ballot. Listen to the pro- and anti- podcasts I recorded, watch the BCAT debate, or read one of many letters to the editor (there are actually too many for me to link them individually) that have been published on BCAT. Look at the pro- and anti- websites.
But. Be sure to review the claims made and probe further to be sure they’re accurate before you make your decision. As much as both sides have expressed a desire to maintain integrity, sometimes the facts get distorted or oversimplified in complex issues like this.
Meetings and Events
- 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM - Early In-Person Voting - at Town Hall
- 5:30 PM - Board of Registrars meets for a discussion of the election process
Sports and Activities
Score Update
- Our Varsity Volleyball team put up an incredible fight last night and lost to Milton in the 5th set, dashing their playoff hopes and ending their season. Their overall season record was 16-5!
Today’s Schedule
- Girls’ Soccer hosts Dartmouth for a playoff game at 3:30 PM at MSMS.
- Varsity Boys’ Football plays Medford at home at 6PM.
Friday Funny

Alright, snooze time. I’ll be back tomorrow!