Daily Buzz | It's Not Too Late to Run for Office
Become a write-in candidate today

Good Morning, Burlington!
Yesterday evening, the vernal equinox happened, meaning the number of daylight hours officially surpasses the number of hours we’ll spend in the dark. It’s the beginning of spring and the turning point to mark our exit from winter and pull us to and through the summer.
It’s Not Too Late to Run For Office
We’ve given a lot of attention to the local election lately, and for good reason. The work done by your local government affects your daily life to a much greater extent than that done at the state and national level. The experience of residents, visitors, and workers can be influenced in a tangible way, from the way buildings and outdoor spaces look to the amount of money you pay for trash pickup (currently zero dollars) to the available recreation activities, and much more.
Many of you have thrown your hat into the ring for public office this year, but there are still open seats for several Town Meeting precincts. Luckily, all is not lost. Burlington can still have all seats filled the night of the election. How? Via write-in candidates.
Become a Write-in Candidate
You can read about the requirements to run as a write-in or sticker candidate on the Secretary of State website, but here’s a summary.
- Call the Town Clerk’s office at 781-270-1660 and let them know you plan to run. That way, they’ll have your contact information to let you know on Saturday evening if you won.
- Tell everyone you know that you’re running and why. Be sure to also give them your address, because that information is required for a write-in.
- Print out a few sheets of labels with your name and return address to hand out the day of the election.
- Be ready on Election Day to stand in a conspicuous (but approved) place with your stickers and maybe a poster, letting voters know about your candidacy and why they should write you in. The Town Clerk can tell you where such a place would be, but know there are state laws preventing campaigning within a certain distance of a polling place.
The Buzz will help write-in candidates get the word, like we do for all candidates.
So, if you’re thinking about becoming a write-in candidate, please reach out to the Buzz and the Town Clerk ASAP and let’s get to it!
How to Vote for a Write-In Candidate
To vote for these folks, or to write in another candidate, all you have to do is find the appropriate line and write in their name and address. Check out your sample ballot here (and, if you need to, figure out what precinct you’re in here) so you can get a look before going to the polls.
Remember: Only Town Meeting candidates from your precinct will appear on your ballot, and you can only write in a TM candidate from your precinct.
If the Buzz hears from write-in candidates, we’ll create a post where you can learn more about them.
Today in Burlington
Municipal Meetings and Community Events
There’s a lot happening in town today, especially at 7:00!
- 8:00 AM - Planning Board Sculpture Park Subcommittee will discuss the logistics for the Pigs on Parade, including location and sponsors, as well as an update on the call to artists. (Virtual)
- 11:30 PM - Preschool Storytime - for kids ages 3-6, with their caregivers. (Burlington Public Library; Drop In)
- 1:00 PM - Elementary School Building Project - Executive Working Group will recap the latest School Committee/School Building Committee meetings. (Virtual)
- 2:00 PM - Board of Health - Tri-Ton Coalition Advisory Board will give an update on the community outreach position as well as talking about upcoming initiatives. (Virtual)
- 3:30 PM-5:30 PM – Summer Employment Fair - Lots of summer jobs await you; come check them out! (BHS Cafeteria)
- 6:30 PM – Spring Bunny Sign Craft - create a wooden bunny shaped sign, paint it your way, with Lisa from April’s Way Custom Creations. (Made in Burlington; Tickets)
- 7:00 PM - Historical Commission will discuss the town’s 225th anniversary as well as progress on the storage shed for which funding was appropriated by Town Meeting. (Grand View Farm)
- 7:00 PM - Capital Budget Committee meets to discuss proposed capital articles for the school department. (Town Hall Annex)
- 7:00 PM - Ways & Means Committee will discuss and vote on public safety capital proposals and discuss the large projects the town has been talking about. (Town Hall and Virtual)
- 7:00 PM - Tween Event: Mario Kart - Kids in grades 4-8, join your friend and battle it out on the big screen! (Burlington Public Library; Register)
- 7:00 PM - Fables & Fantasy Book Club - The Scarlet Alchemist (Periodicals Room, Burlington Public Library; Register if this is your first time joining)
That’s it for today. Have a fantastic Wednesday, Burlington!
Share this Buzz with someone who would make a great Town Meeting Member.