Daily Buzz | Barriers to Running for Election
Also, Town Meeting postponed, Select Board discusses future of DEI Committee

Good Morning, Burlington!
Finally, I’m out of bed in time to spend some thoughtful energy on the Buzz. As promised, here’s a doublewide Buzz.
First things first: I revived my post from last year about why more people don’t run for public office. You can find it here. I hope it helps folks who have a hard time understanding what’s so difficult about running for office understand why so many people don’t do it. I also hope it helps those who have concerns about running know that they’re not alone. Although I wish I could simplify things and remove all those barriers now, I do think there are things we can do as a town and as a town government to make serving in office more welcoming and achievable.
Select Board Recap
Town Meeting was canceled last night due to the weather (It is rescheduled to Wednesday at 7), but the Select Board still held a brief meeting:
- The Select Board voted 2-1-1 on providing a letter of support to the Winn View Heights II proposed project. This means the letter will not be accompanying the application to the state. It does not mean the project definitely won’t happen—that is up to the state.
- Grandview Farm rental rates increased commensurate with the increase in service level.
- A mockup was shown of what an electronic sign on the corner of the Town Common might look like. The design team felt it important that the sign carry through the design characteristics of the Town Center buildings, such as the red brick base and white framing. Town Meeting on Wednesday will vote on whether or not to approve the presence of an electronic sign on the Common.
- The future of the DEI Committee was discussed briefly. Select Board members seemed to agree that the Town and the Select Board need to continue doing work around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, but beyond that the only thing they agreed on is that they weren’t sure how the future of this work should look. Member Espejo suggested that maybe an outside consultant would be helpful. Others suggested the DEI Committee (which was disbanded in November after their one-year charge was complete) should advise the Board on what might be next in the DEI journey of our town’s government. In the end, though, no decision or next steps were taken, and the conversation was continued.
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Today in Burlington
Lots going on in town today. Also, tomorrow is the monthly Community Meal at the Presbyterian Church of Burlington from 5:30-7:00. The meal is homemade and free, and there will be vegetarian and gluten-free options!
Meetings and Events
- 10:30 AM - Ongoing Great Decisions and Current Events Discussion Series Hybrid Event through the library. (Register here)
- 5:00 PM - Housing Partnership will talk about a housing production plan, Grandview Farms, and 119 S. Bedford Street
- 7:00 PM - Move or Improve? Event hosted by Kadilak Realty Group
- 7:00 PM - Board of Health at Town Hall and online. They’ll be reviewing a site plan and special permit applications for a proposed life science building renovation at 5 Burlington Woods Drive, as well as discussing the Community Public Health and Scientific Faculty, meeting requirements, and the FY24 budget.
- 7:00 PM - School Committee - Joint with Ways & Means Subcommittee - BHS School Committee Room and online. This is the annual “budget summit,” where the town and schools come to an agreement about the guidelines for the budget—the increase in operating budget as well as the split for capital items.
- 7:00 PM - Shawsheen School Committee at Shawsheen Tech and online. They’ll talk about initial staffing requests for the coming school year.
Sports and Activities
Last night’s gymnastics meet was canceled, but if you’re looking for your BHS sports fix, you can find all the details from the track meet at the Boys’ and Girls’ Track twitter accounts—including these girls, who broke BHS’s 34-year-old shuttle dash record!
Today we’ve got Boys’ Swim in Haverhill at 4:30 and basketball against Woburn.
Girls are at home:
- 4:00 PM - Freshmen at MSMS
- 4:15 PM - JV at BHS
- 6:00 PM - Varsity at BHS
Boys are in Woburn:
- 4:00 PM - Freshmen at Kennedy
- 5:00 PM - JV at WHS
- 7:00 PM - Varsity at WHS
That’s all I’ve got for you today. Stay safe out there, and I’ll see you tomorrow!