Considering a Run for Office in Burlington in 2025? Start Here.
It's time to start planning to run for office in Burlington in 2025. Nomination papers are available now for the April election.

It might be the second day of the new year, but April's local election is about to heat up. Prospective candidates who plan to run for office in Burlington in 2025 can now pick up their nomination papers at the Town Clerk's office.
Offices with expiring terms include widely publicized offices such as School Committee (2 seats) and Select Board (2 seats) as well as less-well-known offices like Constable (2) and the Board of Assessors (1). (For a full list, check out Buzz Magazine, Winter Edition, page 12.)
Town Meeting also has at least 42 seats opening up (six in each of seven precincts, plus any resignations since the last election); this office, which meets three times per year to approve budgets and capital expenditures as well as approve changes to the town's bylaws, is often seen as the entry point to local government. Town Meeting Members can be on Moderator-appointed committees such as Ways & Means, the Human Services Committee, and more, and often those who are elected to town-wide Boards and Commissions have experience at the Town Meeting level.
Burlington Buzz partnered in December with the Burlington Town Clerk's office to present a webinar for anyone interested in running for local office in Burlington. Catch the recording here, then head down to Town Hall (29 Center Street) to pick up your nomination papers. Be on the lookout as well for a pdf playbook for candidates to help you make key decisions and begin your campaign on the right foot. One key point to remember: The campaign timeline needs to shift earlier due to early voting, so line up your activities today!