Candidate Profile | Kent Moffatt
Candidate for Shawsheen School Committee

The local election will be April 1, 2023. In order to inform eligible voters and empower them with the information they need to both show up at the polls and make an educated decision once they get there, I’ll be profiling candidates for election. I complete these profiles by interviewing the candidates and then writing up our conversation in a conversational format.
Other ways to learn more about your candidates and the election:
- Burlington Equity Coalition Aggregated Election Links
- BNEWS Election Center
- Town Clerk Website (view your sample ballot here)

This April, Kent Moffatt is re-running for his position on the Shawsheen Tech School Committee. We had the opportunity to chat recently about his work on the Committee, what he hopes to accomplish in the upcoming term, and why he’s so passionate about supproting Shawsheen.
A Canadian by birth, Kent has lived in Burlington since around 2011 with his wife and two kids. His professional experience is in the financial sector, and he’s worked with banks and private insurance companies doing investments and asset servicing.
Kent—the son, grandson, and nephew of teachers—was raised to value life-long learning; he also grew up around many plumbers, electricians, and other tradespeople. These experiences have led him to appreciate a good vocational school as an option for many students. He also sees the many benefits Shawsheen provides to the community, such as building services, low-cost haircuts and meals, and more.
Kent became involved in the Shawsheen School Committee in 2020 when a colleague on the Town of Burlington Scholarship Fund mentioned there was an open seat for which no one had pulled papers. He ran as a write-in candidate and, after three years, is pleased with his decision.
Options for public education are important, says Kent. No single school is right for everyone, and that fact underscores the importance of having several places for students to go where their skills will be built upon to lay the groundwork for future success.
During Kent’s time on the Board, he has served as the Budget Subcommittee Chair; in this role, he helped streamline the process and enhance the efficiency and transparency of meetings. He’s also helped to onboard newer members and orient them to the differences between vocational budgeting and traditional K-12 budgeting.
He’s also spent a lot of time interacting with the school community and administration. He participated in the hiring of the new Superintendent-Director and chaired the search for the new Business Manager. His hope is that the school continues to bring in strong, consistent talent to enhance stability.
In future years, Kent would like to focus on continuing to build relationships with administration, teachers, and students at Shawsheen. He also is excited for new programs with focus areas such as energy sustainability, but these added options and the increase in enrollment require more and updated space. Therefore, the school (like BPS) is applying for MSBA funding.
Strong relationships, a transparent budgeting process, expanded programming, and improved facilities are priorities for Shawsheen in the next several years, but Kent also wants to work to enhance the Tech’s visibility in Burlington. Project Explore does a good job bringing middle school students to see the school, and Shawsheen sets up a booth at Election Day and other town events, but he thinks the school could do more to get in front of students and highlighting it—not as competition, but as the best option for some students.
Kent appreciates your support and asks for your vote in the 2023 local election.
The local election is on April 1, 2023, and early voting is being held during business hours at Town Hall until March 31.