Burlington Local Election Results Are In; Turnout Grew Significantly
Burlington local election results are in for 2024; see how the town voted and who will be representing you for the next term

Preliminary results are in for the 2024 Burlington Local Election, and turnout among eligible voters exceeded recent years by several hundred voters, growing from an average of around 15% in the last several years to 21% this year.
Burlington Local Election Results 2024
There were several contested races on the ballot this year, which likely influenced the increase in turnout.
Contested Races
Town Moderator
Bill Beyer keeps his job for another year, after being challenged by Adam Senesi for the role.
Select Board
Challenger and Town Meeting Member Sarah Cawley topped the ticket, followed by Joe Morandi; Brad Bond didn't make it in this time around.
School Committee
This was an incredibly close race, with Meghan Nawoichik inching out over incumbent Martha Simon by only 90 votes.
Housing Authority
Eileen Sickler took the three-year seat handily over Walter DeCost, who didn't appear much on the campaign trail.
Uncontested Races
Uncontested races are much less exciting, but they do fill out the ballot. Here are the winners of the uncontested offices on the ballot.
Assessor: Paul Sheehan
Library Trustees: Susanne Russell and Kevin Sheehan
Planning Board: Toni Ann Natola
Board of Health: Andrea Sheehan and Marwa El-Sabbahy; Marwa is one of two newcomers to gain a town-wide seat in an uncontested race.
Housing Authority (3-year): Richard Howard
Recreation Commission: David Norden
Shawsheen Tech School Committee: Stacy Huberty
Town Meeting Races
There were contests in five out of seven precincts; here are the Town Meeting Members who will be representing you for the next 1-3 years.
Precinct 1
Bill Boivin, Michael Hardy, Adam Senesi, David Woodilla, Peter Abaskharoun, Jaimee Greitzer
Florence Leone will be joining in a one-year seat; Sunniya Saleem's campaign was not successful.
Precinct 2
Jeremy Harrington, Michelle Papagno, Myrna Saltman, Kimberly Trainor, T J Flynn
There remains one open seat in Precinct 2.
Precinct 3
Joanne Frustaci, Stephen Marchese, Mildred Nash, Paul Noonan, Richard DiBona, Melinda Meier
Lourdes Genao and Jeffrey Needham did not obtain a seat this time around; Sharon Lore was elected to a 1-year seat, beating out Bill McCarthy.
Precinct 4
Nancy Bonassera, Tamara Maniscalco, Frank Monaco, Laura Nichols, Christine Kim, Becky Norum
Wayne Root's campaign was not successful.
Precinct 5
Patricia Angelo, Thomas Carlson, Christine Conceison, Mark Donahue, Christopher Murphy, Carl Foss
Domenic Grossi Jr. and Frank O’Brien did not come away with a seat.
Precinct 6
Roger Bell, Daniel DiTucci, Elizabeth DiTucci, Gary Kasky, Jason Brooks, Corey Everett
Sagini Ramesh and Salvana Shakaib will not be joining Town Meeting this year.
Precinct 7
Shomari Abramson, Julie Cullen, Ryan McSheffrey, Mark Woods, Ronald Riley
Kenny Iannuzzi was running as a write-in candidate, and there were some votes for write-ins (as there were in Precinct 2), but the exact breakdown hasn't been determined yet, so keep an eye out for news.
That's it for your Burlington local election results. See the election results show on BCAT, and look at the hard numbers on the Town Clerk website. The Buzz welcomes (or welcomes back) the elected officials who will be joining the town for the next 1-5 years, and congratulates all candidates for completing the difficult work of campaigning!