Burlington Democratic Town Committee to Hold Caucus Wednesday, May 31
Delegates will be elected to attend state convention on September 23

2023 is going to be an important and exciting year for Massachusetts Democrats.
The Burlington Democratic Town Committee will hold its caucus on May 31, 2023 to elect 13 delegates and 4 alternates to the 2023 Massachusetts Democratic Convention.
Registered and pre-registered Democrats in Burlington may vote and be elected as delegates or alternates during the caucus. Youth (age 16 to 35), people with disabilities, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community not elected as delegates or alternates are encouraged to apply to be add-on delegates at the caucus or by visiting massdems.org/massdems-convention. Any person who is not a registered Democrat and wants to be a delegate, may register/pre-register during the caucus registration.
This caucus will be held in the Town Hall Annex Basement Meeting Room. Registration will occur at 6:30 pm and actual caucus activities commence at 7 pm. The Town Hall Annex building, located at 25 Center Street, is handicap accessible with elevator. The front entrance will be locked; please enter through the back.
Then, on Convention Day, Democrats from across the state will gather to meet fellow activists and hear from elected officials. The convention will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at the Tsongas Center in Lowell to adopt a Party Agenda and/or Platform by a majority vote of Convention delegates present. This venue has welcomed Democratic conventions in the past. Convention details are as follows:
Where: Tsongas Center, 300 Arcand Drive, Lowell, MA
Credentials: Credentials will be mailed to all those who pay the delegate fee online by July 11th. All others can pick up their credentials at the registration table at the convention.
The delegate fee is $75. Additionally, there is a reduced fee of $50 offered to delegates who are students, seniors, and persons with a disability. The Democratic State Committee (DSC) recognizes that there are some potential delegates who find the delegate fee to be prohibitively expensive. The DSC wants to be sure that no one who can get elected fails to run because of the cost. The DSC has a simple and confidential process for delegates and alternates to request a partial or full fee waiver. Waiver forms are available at caucus and or can be downloaded from the MA Democratic Party website: (massdems.org/delegate).
If you are interested in being a delegate but you cannot attend the caucus, please let us know of your interest. If all available delegate slots for Burlington are not filled, the caucus rules allow us to place your name in nomination as a delegate.
Attending or running for a delegate seat at this caucus is a great way to meet people from your community who share similar values, hear from elected officials and other Democratic leaders around the state, and take the next step to getting involved in the Democratic process for the upcoming election.
For more information on the caucus or the Democratic Town Committee, please contact either Janice Cohen (Co-Chair) or Larry Cohen (Co-Chair) by email.
For general information on the Convention or the MA Democratic Party, please contact 617-939-0800 or convention@massdems.org.