Candidate Interview: Bill Beyer for Town Moderator
Be sure to vote on April 6, 2024!
Hello, Burlington!
Bill Beyer, 7-term Town Moderator, is running for re-election. The moderator is responsible for ensuring the smooth running of Town Meeting and for appointing many of the Committees that help the town and its Town Meeting members make informed decisions.
In this interview, Nicci and Bill talk about how Bill has grown into the role of Moderator and what he considers the most essential aspects of the role.
Hope you enjoy!
You can find Bill at his Facebook page. Hear my interview with challenger Adam Senesi, and don’t forget to vote on April 6!
Episode Notes:
Don’t forget to become a Hive member for early access to all the Burlington Buzz on the Mic episodes.
Recorded at BCAT’s Podcast Studio - Thanks, BCAT!
Theme Music:
fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square