April 1, 2023, Local Election Official Ballot
Updated April 2, 2023

There are the preliminary results for the 2023 Burlington Town Election, taking place April 1, 2023. Last update: 4/2/2023. This does not include write-ins or auxiliary ballots.
The deadline to pull papers was February 8; they were to be returned by February 10.
A check (✅) means the candidate won their race; an X (❎) means the candidate lost. Turnout was 14.81% with around 1,200 voting early.
An asterisk (*) signifies a contested race.
Two asterisks (**) signifies not enough candidates to fill available seats.
Moderator, 1 year (1 seat)
✅ William Beyer, current Moderator
Select Board, 3 year (1 seat)
✅ James Tigges, current Select Board member
Assessor, 3 year (1 seat)
✅ Kevin Sheehan, current Assessor (vice-chair)
School Committee, 3 year (2 seats)*
❎Carl Foss, current School Committee member
✅ Katherine Bond, current School Committee member
✅ Jeremy Brooks, challenger
Library Trustees, 3 year (2 seats)
✅ Phillip Gallagher, former Library Trustee
✅ Jesse Angeley, current Library Trustee Appointee
Library Trustees, 2 year (1 seat)
✅ Janice Cohen, Library Trustee Appointee
Library Trustees, 1 year (1 seat)
✅ Susanne Russell, new candidate
Planning Board, 5 year (1 seat)
✅ Jessica Sutherland, current appointee
Planning Board, 1 year (1 seat)
✅ ToniAnn Natola, current appointee
Board of Health, 3 year (1 seat)
✅ Maribeth Welch, current Board of Health member
Housing Authority, 5 year (1 seat)
✅ Steve Wasserman, current Housing Authority member
Recreation Commission, 3 year (1 seat)*
✅ Lindsay Carlson
❎Brian Pupa
Shawsheen Tech. H.S. School Committee, 3 year (1 seat)
✅ Kent Moffatt, current Shawsheen Tech School Committee member (treasurer)
Precinct 1 TMM (3 yr) (6 seats)*
✅ Chris Campbell
✅ Lorie Glantz
✅ Nolan Glantz
✅ Bruce Morey
✅ Dina Wassaf
❎Peter Abaskharoun
✅ David Alper
Precinct 2 TMM (3 yr) (6 seats)**
✅ Cathy Beyer
✅ Kevin Coluci
✅ Kristin Murphy-Currier
✅ George Papayannis
✅ Raymond Blenkhorn
One open seat remains
Precinct 3 TMM (3 yr) (6 seats)
✅ Jeff DiBona
✅ James M Frost
✅ Gary Mercier
✅ Monte Pearson
✅ Daniel Raske
✅ Roger Riggs
Precinct 4 TMM (3 yr) (6 seats)**
✅ Karen Cooper
✅ Reid Cooper
✅ Michael Proulx
✅ Schiffon Wong
Two open seats remain
Precinct 4 TMM (1 yr) (1 seat)**
One open seat remains
Precinct 5 TMM (3 yr) (6 seats)*
❎Robert Bunker
✅ Bonnie Nichols
❎Frank Obrien
✅ Michele Prendergast
✅ David Tait
✅ Richard Wing
✅ Alex Rutfield
✅ Sarah Wolinski
Precinct 6 TMM (3 yr) (6 seats)
✅ John Cormier
✅ John Iler
✅ Rose Manni
✅ Edward Parsons
✅ Ryan Clement
✅ Blaise Leeber III
Precinct 7 TMM (3 yr) (6 seats)*
✅ Sarah Cawley
✅ Jack Kelly
✅ Betsey Hughes
✅ Scott Martin
✅ Jonathan Sachs
✅ David Webb
❎Keri Riley
Precinct 7 TMM (2 yr) (2 seat)**
✅ Cynthia Kazanjian
One open seat remains
Precinct 7 TMM (1 yr) (1 seat)
✅ Shomari Abramson
A note on seats with different terms: When a seat isn’t filled by election, or when someone vacates their seat before the end of their term, the other members of their body work together to appoint someone to fill the seat until the next election. If there’s any time left on the seat at that point, it seat becomes open again and if the appointee wants to continue in their role, they must run again.